Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day in the life of Dave

Today Dave wakes up. He looks at the floor. He looks at the ceiling. He theorizes about the true meaning of life. Dave says "hello" to his teddy bear which he shouldn't have as he is much too old for teddy bears. "Why should I be too old for teddy bears?" Dave asks his teddy bear. There is no reply.
At this point in time Dave continues babbling to his teddy bear about random nonsense and tomfoolery until he grows tired of his underwear. So Dave decides to get dressed. After getting dressed Dave goes out of his room and eats his breakfast of ham. Dave absolutely loves ham because ham is the tastiest treat in the whole earth according to Dave, So you may think this a little weird as you are not according to Dave. Only Dave is according to Dave, according to Dave. If you are confused right now i suggest you eat some ham. (This and the last couple lines in normal English culture are considered 'Rabbit trails' meaning a trail of thought going away from the actual subject) Lets forget this rabbit trail and move on to more important things. Dave's breakfast. Well actually not Dave's breakfast because we already covered that with the whole ham thing. After breakfast Dave goes to work. Dave works in a factory if you have not already figured that out. What is made in this factory has not yet been decided by the author of this blog. Anyway, Dave goes to work on his motorcycle. Dave likes motorcycles because motorcycles go fast and are very dangerous indeed. When Dave arrives at work he visits his boss who tells him to get back to work. "I love you boss" says Dave. "That's interesting Dave, Now get back to work", his boss replies. Dave goes back to work at his station in the work section of the factory. Dave's job at the factory is tasting croutons. Dave has tasted croutons of many sorts. He has tasted sour ones, sweet ones, green ones, blue ones, pointy ones, liquid ones, moldy ones, not moldy ones, explosive ones, corrosive ones, and finally, sour ones. Since this blog is not meant to be anything fancy i will say he had all normal croutons except one corrosive one which he dealt with appropriately. Appropriately indeed. During his work day Dave had lunch. During lunch he theorized with all his theologian friends, Said "how are you today" to all the people he didn't know, Talked about C++ with all his nerd friends, Chilled with all his gangster friends, talked on the telephone from afar with all his Sketchy friends, and cut himself with all his emo friends. Well, That was graphic. Fortunately Dave used fake blood and a plastic spoon to fool his emo friends instead of making a blemish on his perfect, hairless skin. Anyway. Dave finishes his day at work at 5:00 pm and rides his motorcycle back home. At home Dave has a dance party with himself. Dave only has one friend but he doesn't know his phone number so he can't invite him to his dance party. His only friend that knows him very well is a fellow worker who is a nerd that only speaks italian. Dave thinks his name is Pecore but hes not sure. Dave is always telling Pecore all his stories. Pecore always replies "Smettere di parlare Non mi interessa!". Dave think hes saying 'I love you dave your my best friend' . I the writer am not so sure. Anyway, that is Dave's friend. Since Pecore only speaks italian Dave does not know his phone number. When Dave tried to get Pecore's phone number Pecore answered "Mi piace toccare lama in Nuova Zelanda" . Dave didn't think that was his phone number. I don't blame him. Anyway, Dave has a Dance party and then decides to watch TV. Dave likes watching telivision. Telivision is an activity Dave likes. Watching telivision+ Dave = Okeydokey. The point is Dave is a telivision watcher and hes proud of it. Tonight Dave decides to watch a channel on TV. The channel Dave watches is the shopping channel. The shopping channel is Dave's least favorite channel but Dave likes to watch every channel and he hasn't watched the shopping channel in almost a year. On the shopping channel there were cows for sale. Dave like cows. Dave decides to call the number on the screen because it said if he called in the next 30 seconds he would get 2 cows for the price of 1. It was a deal no one could refuse. So Dave spends the rest of the night on hold on the phone untill 11:00 pm when he finally gets to buy his cows. After giving the person on the phone his credit card number the person immediatly hangs up for some odd reason. Dave Thinks since they have all his information the'll just take the right amount and send him the cows. Dave goes to bed with his teddy bear in peace of mind. Then dave falls asleep. Then dave wakes up in the morning again but i can't tell you anymore because this blog was labeled 'day in the life of dave' and weve already covered one day so im sorry you will have to wait for the next blog.

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