Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dave has a dream

One dark stormy evening a salesperson for dangerous chemicals came by Dave's house carrying many dangerous chemicals. The chemicals that this salesperson was carrying were very dangerous indeed. The sales person knocked on the door of Dave's house. After a pause the door slowly creaked open to black darkness within...
"Hello? Anybody there? Do you want to buy some hydropepnotlioticalsamfluoridic fluid? Its on sale for a limited time for only $41.97. Or you could buy some brominlinoliumiamawackodritoxidi-"
---The sales man was vaporized---
All the dangerous chemicals the salesman was carrying fell on Dave's floor, breaking open and all mixing together in a pile of dangerous chemicals letting off all kinds of wonderful fumes. Dave hears a noise so he comes to his door to investigate. Dave sees a pile of smoking chemicals laying on his floor. Drug addicts near Dave's house smell the smoke and start approaching Dave's house from all directions. Dave decides to close his doors and windows of his house. "But second hand smoke is bad and i don't want any of those smokers getting their smoke near me", Dave says to himself, so Dave decides to make his whole house airtight. Soon the pile of smoking chemicals makes the air turn foggy looking. Then as Dave explains it, the air gets smokier and smokier and darker and darker but then it starts to clear up, into a colorful swirly world of dancing giraffes and ham that talks to you when your not looking where there are flowery fields of love and happiness going out side ways and edge ways and look way forever and ever and ever and ever la la la la la Weeeeeeeeeeee!! ... And this is where Dave's dream begins.
"Don't you look attractive!", Dave exclaims to the Hippo
"I was referring to those Llamas over there in the puddle of purple", Dave says
"You don't think I'm attractive?", asks the Hippo
"Oh well, I'm sorry good friend, I didn't mean it that way", replies Dave
"You have been forgiven fellow Hippopotamus", says the Hippo
Just then Dave looks down and realizes that he is a hippo. A hippo attracted to Llamas. Dave begins to cry because he is a hippo attracted to Llamas. Dave is a very sensitive guy and hes afraid that the other straight hippos would call him a lomo. Just when all hope is lost Ringo Starr frolics by singing about octopuses.
"why are you so down?", Says Ringo in a British accent
"I'm a Hippo that's attracted to Llamas, I'm not like the other normal hippos", Dave replies in a sad voice
"Well I've been in this flowering-field-of-love-and-happiness-forever-and-ever-la-la-la many times before and I have already visited the tree of monkeys and the wizard who lives in the tree granted me the ability to help hippos who are attracted to Llamas.", Says Ringo
"Really! Oh boy I'm gonna be a normal hippo!", Dave exclaims with utter joyfulness
So Ringo proceeds to take a Llama out of his coat pocket and the Llama bites Dave.
"What the- Ouch! Stupid Llama! I don't like Llamas anymore!", yells Dave
"aha Dave I have won the Game but you have lost the game but now I have lost aswell!" says Ringo
"Huh?" Dave says, But by the time he says it Ringo has disappeared into the next world of joy and bingo parties.
Just then a penguin frolics by.
"I enjoy your thighs Mr. Penguin", says Dave in a daze
"You have big nostrils" replies the penguin
"well I am a hippo after all", says Dave
Dave and the penguin share in excessive amounts of laughter. Dave has fallen in love.
"All you need is love!" says the penguin in a familiar but unusual voice
Just then the penguin bursts into a cloud of smoke.
"Aha I tricked you Dave!" exclaims Paul McCartney from within the smoke
"oh no, My love has turned into Paul McCartney" says Dave
"I like tricks" says Paul
"okeydokey" replies Dave
"well I have to go now" says Paul
"goodbye Paul McCartney!" says Dave
"Goodbye Dave" says Paul
"Goodbye Dave" says Ringo
"Peace out homie" says the Hippo
"Wow..?" says the unimportant organism watching the whole scene from the side
"Bye" says the Llama
Then the surrounding everything there start going faster and faster until they all blend together in holy matrimony into a pale shade of gray. Then All becomes uninteresting. Dave is a human again. Dave is still in his house.